What I Eat In A Day 2: Easy & Vegan

Hello guys! I’m back with another “What I Eat In A Day” blog post and this time I’ve decided to show you some vegan meals I like to cook. I’m vegetarian, not vegan, but I try to incorporate various types of foods in my diet (if you can call it that haha). Here are some of my super easy vegan meals, which are actually quite affordable!

1. Breakfast: Yogurt & Fruit


This is the most simple breakfast but also the best. You can alternate it to whichever flavour yogurt or fruit you want on the day so this is definitely my favourite breakfast of all time.  Here is what I used (and what I recommend).

You will need:

  • Vegan natural yogurt (I used Alpro’s simple plain yogurt)
  • Tangerines (I used two)
  • Banana


  • Honey – if using Greek style yogurt (vegetarian, not vegan)
  • Chia seeds – to boost your metabolism
  • Cashews – for extra crunch


This is very simple, as you can probably imagine. Put one serving of the yogurt a bowl (check the packaging how many servings it includes). Mix in some chia seeds and cashews. Cut up a banana, peel the tangerines and put them on top. All done! Perfect for when you’re running late to uni.

2. Lunch: Veggie Stir Fry


Another one of my favourites because it is SO quick and easy! It can also be altered with what vegetables you like to have – I personally have different ones every time! Or you can simply buy a stir fry mix. Here’s what I used this time…

You will need:

  • Udon Noodles (I used Amoy Straight to Wok Udon Thick Noodles)
  • Stir Fry Sauce (I used Amoy Stir Fry Chow Many Sauce)
  • Beansprouts
  • Cauliflower & Broccoli


Now the portions are completely up to you. This recipe is for two portions – or to have on the next day as well. Put a handful of broccoli and cauliflower in a pan and fry with a little bit of oil (I use frozen vegetables as you can get massive bags for a pound from Tesco) until they’re soft and starting to get a tiny bit golden. Add beansprouts, stir for another minute. Add the stir fry sauce, stir for a minute again. Add the noodles, stir it all together, let it cook for one minute and done! So quick and easy!

3. Dinner: Mashed Potatoes


This is the easiest but also most comforting food of all. Potatoes are very important for people in Estonia so whenever I have mash, it reminds me of home (especially since my dad makes THE BEST mash in the world). Here’s the most simple recipe you’ll ever read…

You will need:

  • Potatoes (six-eight large potatoes, you can always add more)
  • Milk (I used Alpro’s Soya Milk)
  • Butter (I used dairy free margarine)
  • Salt (I used sea salt for extra health benefits)


Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes (as this way they boil quicker). Boil in water until soft (takes about 20 minutes) with about half a tsp of sea salt. Drain the potatoes from water when they’re ready. In the same pan, mash them with a fork. Then add the butter (about 1 tbsp) and some milk (add a little bit at a time until you like the creaminess). Now use a hand blender to make it extremely smooth or keep mashing with a fork. And that’s it! So simple!

I hope you guys liked these recipes! Make sure to tweet me @UCBloggers if you try any of these out! Have an amazing day!

– Helina x


What I Eat In A Day 2: Easy & Vegan

What I Eat In A Day: Easy & Vegetarian

Hello, guys! I hope you are well! This week’s been super stressful because I had a 3,000-word report due on Thursday, but I got it done! If you know me, you know I like to cook really simple and easy meals as I am not the kind of person to spend hours and hours in the kitchen. So today I thought I’d share what I normally eat in a day! Obviously I have different types of food every day but hopefully just sharing a day of food with you will give you some inspiration! I’m planning to do more of these in the future so I hope you like it!

1. Breakfast: Porridge

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I never really used to like porridge because it seemed to bland for me. Recently, however, I’ve started to mix it up a little bit so here’s my favourite ever recipe for a yummy breakfast!

You will need:

  • Almond milk (I use Alpro Roasted Almond – Unsweetened)
  • Easy oats (I used Tesco’s Golden Syrup ones)
  • Cashew nuts (or any nuts that you liked)
  • Banana (I didn’t add mine in this time because I ran out but it makes a massive difference in the flavour)
  • Honey – only if using regular oats, not flavoured ones like I did


Put the oats in a bowl and fill the oat packet up with some milk and pour that in with the oats. Stir, pop in the microwave until it thickens (usually about 1-2 minutes). Take it out and add more milk (this will cool it down more and you can choose the thickness of your porridge – if you want it runnier, add more milk). Chop up a banana and put that in, try to mush it a little. Add in the cashew nuts, stir everything together and voila! Perfection!

2. Lunch: Vegetable Tarte, Fries, Salad


I was meeting my best friend Debby (who I’m sure you all know because she has an amazing blog as a UCBlogger too) at uni so we had lunch at the McIntyre House Cafe of UCB. We both got a vegetable tarte with some fries, and of course, we sprinkled some cheese on top! We had some salad on the side to try to look more healthy, although that probably didn’t work haha! It was delicious though!

3. Dinner: Veggie Pasta

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Pasta is so simple, cheap and easy to cook so it’s pretty much an essential for all students. You can have it in so many different ways and somehow you never get bored of it. This is how I decided to have mine…

You will need:

  • Pasta – 2 cups (serves 2, I did this so I’d have some left over for the next day)
  • Pasta sauce – 250g (I used tomato and garlic pasta sauce)
  • Sweetcorn or any other veggies you like! Completely up to you. (I used a small tin of sweetcorn and peppers by Green Giant)
  • 1 clove of garlic (I used a small tsp of chopped (easy) garlic)
  • Garlic bread
  • Salt and oil


Put the pasta in the pan with some water and a pinch of salt, bring to a boil and boil until soft. Drain. Meanwhile fry the sweetcorn with a tsp of oil on a frying pan for a minute, then add the sauce and garlic. Stir for a couple of minutes. Pop the garlic bread in the oven for approximately 10 minutes (all garlic breads are different so read the instructions for yours). Once the pasta is drained, add it to the saucy mixture. Stir everything together and fry for a couple of minutes. Serve on a plate and enjoy!

– Helina x


What I Eat In A Day: Easy & Vegetarian